At BJMA we firmly believe that children are our future, they are tomorrow’s inventors, leaders, and our hope.

With this our focus, BJMA designed a two platform system for kids, physical and character building. BJMA kids have a healthy respect and appreciation for themselves and their abilities.

BJMA has many kids that are Black Level and above, of all ages. These kids have accumulated a wealth of life tools that they are using already and will continue to use throughout the rest of their lives.

BJMA Kidz Kara-te is the Zen do Kai System tailored specifically for Juniors (under 14) and Intermediates (over 14). The techniques are tried and proven, and as techniques are not dependant on a person’s height, weight or age. As a student ages and grades through the colour belt system, so grows their knowledge and physical ability to take on more complex instruction and responsibility.

Some of the benefits of BJMA Kidz Kara-te are

  • increased focus 
  • assertiveness,
  • self confidence
  • co operation
  • respect and socialisation
  • motor skills
  • self defence
  • fitness & healthy attitude
  • and a ‘Can Do’ mindset

BJMA is an organisation that grows as a Family, each of the clubs and centres in the BJMA Directory are operated by BJMA Family. Our instructors are dads, mums and members of your local community that take great pride in equipping local kids for the future.

Children Instructors carry BJMA Photo ID stating ‘authorised to instruct children’, proving they hold working with children checks. BJMA Affiliated Clubs and Centres have a First Aid representative on hand during classes.

Check our Club Directory to find a BJMA Centre near you.

BJMA SA Kids sparring tournament