krav magaBJMA Krav Maga (must be over 16 years of age) is an ‘easy to learn’ system, focused on SURVIVAL, using simple and intuitive movements designed to disarm an armed attacker as quickly as possible.

‘Krav Maga (Contact Combat), the world’s most effective protection system is now available through the Bob Jones Martial Arts Organisation.’
Learn clear defensive tactics and skills against grabs, strikes, knives, batons, firearms and multiple attackers through ‘hand to hand’ combat.
BJMA Instructors bring a level of experience, depth and professionalism to BJMA Krav Maga that is unparalleled offering our students effective instruction.
‘With each class you walk out better-equipped to deal with an attacker, than when you walked in’

Maga has a philosophy emphasising simultaneous defence and offence with high levels of aggression, adapted with several different disciplines for civilian self defence, security organisations, police and military applications, including focusing on global terrorism awareness.

BJMA Krav Maga promotes finishing a fight or confrontation as quickly as possible; attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body for maximum effect. Whilst Krav Maga was developed in countries with high internal conflict, including war zones, its principles have been utilised under Australian conditions to be a most effective system when utilised in the context of the legalities and use of force restrictions under Australian law.

With the global popularity of Krav Maga the effectiveness of the system has begun to be corrupted and watered-down. This distortion has been initiated through the application and inclusion of martial arts techniques by individual instructors which are inconsistent with the basic philosophy and principles of Krav Maga.

The objective of BJMA Krav Maga is to maintain the consistency of its original roots, coupled with the philosophy of continual improvement by redefining tactics to meet environmental specific risks pertinent to Australia and its society.

Krav Maga is not a specific style or art in itself, it was developed much along the lines of Zen Do Kai, i.e. the best of everything in progression. Krav Maga was developed using techniques from many styles but incorporating a base set of principles.

BJMA Krav Maga is taught utilising the following base principles:

  1. Simultaneous defence and attack, as you defend you attack.
  2. Skill sets should incorporate natural gross motor movements that flow naturally even under duress. (Simplistic moves that can be performed after fine motor skills have diminished)
  3. Defences and responses should be transferable to multiple types of attacks. (Empty hand and weapons)
  4. All techniques use maximum efficiency and effectiveness to neutralise threat as quickly as possible. (Minimum response time, maximum effect)


Certified Instructors of BJMA Krav Maga are required to be of the highest standard to ensure the integrity of the BJMA brand.

Part of the certification process involves the instructor being tested not only on their physical skill sets, but also their theoretical knowledge of the specific system being taught, its principles and applications.

Our BJMA Instructors have the opportunity to be involved in on-going professional development programs that include high level field first aid, various types of driving skill sets, equipment selection and Risk Assessment capabilities for all environments.

This combined testing ensures consistent and proficient instruction, and forms part of the professional development program for all instructors teaching any system under BJMA.


BJMA KRAV MAGA run many seminars, training courses, gradings and camps in Australia, New Zealand and Thailand.

Please check BJMA Krav Maga for all upcoming events.



Krav Maga is Hebrew for “contact combat” its founder was a Hungarian-Israeli martial artist called Imi Lichenfeld who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler as a means to defend the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Czechoslovakia in the mid to late 1930s. In the late 1940s following his migration to Israel, Imi began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF or Israeli Defence Forces. He went on to develop a self defence system that became known as Krav Maga.