NEOLITHIC CELTS: Pagan Celtic Migration Third Wave (CELTS – Connecting Europe’s LOST Tribal Societies Book 12) Kindle Edition
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With diurnal regularity through tireless efforts of many astronomers, geologists, historians, scientists, archaeologists & anthropologists… currently, our 21st century is exposing a new and fresh understanding of our Celtic historical connection, which is constantly unfolding and evolving with each new-found artefact. For those of us who bare breath, heart, and spirit of these ancient warriors, with the mindset to ‘fight for what we believe is right’, thus creating for ourselves a belief system that our lives are about ‘Real Truth and Human Evolvement’.
For us, these new facts are showing we are simply their successors,therefore we are ourselves as a global community, all modern Celts. Now, at this present time we identify as the 21st Century - 3rd Millennium, every aspect of Celtic culture is a very visible part of a multicultural world. Everyone whose family roots lay across northern Africa, in central Europe (Nordic Balkans Eight), and north-western Europe (Scandinavia – Nordic Baltic Eight), all areas including the extreme east and north-east of Eurasia/China/Siberia, the Americas, all throughout the Pacific & south Pacific including Australasia has a Celtic connection of some degree. Celtic culture began with the beginning of time; it is still a living force in the modern world, through Celtic art, Celtic music, Celtic writing, and Celtic spirituality. This is because the CONCEALED EMPIRE of the Celtic civilization with their matriarchal religious philosophy has always continued relentlessly, albeit semi secretly, throughout all the Ages without break.
This unbroken tradition can be experienced in the oldest literature from Northern Europe that is in the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish languages. These Celtic languages are descended from Proto-Celtic, or Common Celtic; a branch of the greater Indo-European language family, plus the Q – Celtic Goidelic and P – Celtic, Brythonic, and even earlier Gaelic/Basque. Plus, Punic and Sanskrit and Akkadian/Assyrian writings preserve the ancient Celtic worldview that is nature venerating, and poetic, where the material and the spiritual worlds come together to enrich one another enhancing the mind with long LOST knowledge.Here in the ‘BOOK OF CELTS’ – ‘Connecting Europe’s LOST Tribal Societies’, we (i.e., you, the reader and me, the author of this story) commence this esoteric journey together with an IMAGINARY IMMORTAL - CELTIC WARRIOR as our ‘Alter-Ego’; this at first may be confusing, perhaps even a little daunting to a few, but I promise YOU, it is an epic journey well worth venturing upon. This is a real story about ‘THE JOURNEY OF A HERO’ where the hero of the journey becomes YOU.
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