BJMA Affiliated Club: Tenacity in A.C.T.
My martial arts journey really started when I was introduced to Zen do Kai after moving to Perth from Sydney in 1986. Previously I had dabbled in Karate, Judo and Hapkido.
My time in Perth saw me train with some exceptional martial artists and fighters. It was where I was first introduced to Muay Thai. I opened my first club in Swanbourne, Perth which I ran until 1993. Under strong leadership from the WA Head, Rod Stroud, and great support from other WA ZDK instructors, including my own, provided a great grounding for my personal ZDK journey.
In 1993, I moved to Canberra and set about re-establishing BJMA in the ACT under the guidance and mentoring of the Chief, Soke Bob Jones. After several years in Canberra I had the opportunity to live and train in Thailand for a couple of years, leaving the clubs in the hands of some of my very capable students.
While in Thailand I was introduced to Kru Tow, who was responsible for ranking Muay Thai fighters at Lumpini and Rajadamnern Stadiums. I trained at Thammasat University and before I could train, I was questioned by the ‘old man’ (a term used by his students with great respect) as to why I wanted to train in Muay Thai. My answer must have impressed, as I was able to train with him and no money changed hands. Instead, I would take the occasional gift of tea or another practical item. I can’t find words to explain the experience; those who have had similar experiences will understand.
My goals for the future of ZDK and BJMA, are to grow the style and students in the ACT region and work closely with the Senior Leadership Group in developing ZDK for the future.
There are personal attributes that I believe a martial artist should have:
- a good set of values
- discipline
- dedication
For those who are starting out in BJMA, learn the value of respect. Respect your instructors, the people you train with and, most importantly, yourselves.
9th Degree Zen do Kai
7th Degree BJMA Kickboxing (Muay Thai)
2nd Degree BJMA Krav Maga